Thursday, February 17, 2005

Check Out Rob Bell

If you are not already familiar with Rob Bell, you should be. His teaching has had a profound influence on me. He does incredible historical contexual work on his subjects that is simply fascinating. He is full of hope and vision, plus he can be quite funny. His recent lessons are available to download for free as mp3 files. The older ones you can buy for a dollar a piece. I'm about to go to a big "youth rally" type thing in Gatlinburg called Winterfest, so I don't have alot of time to write today. Check Rob out if you have time and let me know what you think.


Phil said...

I would encourage everyone who likes the stuff that Adam's been talking about to listen to Bell. The Directions series is outstanding in its eccelesiology.

The Salvation of our Stuff present a strongly Scriptural view of how stuff takes over our lives and transitions ever so gently on how to value people and really live out the ideals presented in Acts 2 and Acts 4.

The Revolutionary Christmas is also outstanding if you want a view of the social, political, and economic context into which Jesus was born. Not just for the Jews, but for the Roman world at large.

Seriously, take some time and listen to these. They are well worth it.

Phil said...
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Rick said...

check out the NOOMA videos - good stuff!

Anonymous said...

yes...rob is very good. I have been to his site.