Thursday, June 09, 2005


I just got the word that my grandfather, Gene Ellis, has been diagnosed with mesothelioma . According to the doctors it is endstage and the prognosis is weeks, maybe months. My Grandparents divorced when I was very young, and Grandaddy was the one that we wound up not seeing as much (not for any particular reson besides convinience). Even so, He has always gone to great lengths to make sure we know he cares about us. He is a quiet and unassuming man who has always worked hard. All of this is very unexpected. My dad was with him when they gave the results of the tests. I think this is hitting him hard as well. Please pray for my grandfather and his wife (who is in a nursing home). Please pray for my Dad.

P.S. I have decided to disable anonymous comments due to a few mean-spirited coments that I recieved. I always welcome questions and even disagreement, but comments that are not civil will be deleted and ignored. If you would like to make a comment, but aren't registered with blogger, please take the time to create a blogger profile. I am sorry for any inconvinience.

1 comment:

Gilbert said...

Hey Adam,

Sorry to hear about your grandfather. Your grandfather was the one who introduced my family to Camp Wiregrass. I don't remember a whole lot about him because I was a wee little tike when we lived in Camden, by my mom speaks highly about him. May God grant your father and grandfather with peace during this difficult time.