Thursday, February 25, 2010

2 Brian McLaren Videos

I recently read A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith, by Brian McLaren. I received my copy from The Ooze's Viral Bloggers Network, and I am working on a review that should be up in the next couple of days. In the meantime, has begun posting a series of videos featuring Spencer Burke interviewing McLaren about the major ideas in the book. I'm posting the first 2 here. If you have time, watch them and let me know your thoughts/reactions. I'm really interested in knowing what you think.

The Narrative Question

The Authority Question

So, what do you think?

1 comment:

Avey said...

I want to comment specifically on the first video really. I am quite surprised that his understanding of how we should read the Bible (or anything else)is a talking point at all. We read everything through a particular lens. What he is suggesting is that we understand the context of when something was said and written. In everyday life, we have to put communication in a specific context... the text message (sometimes having to read it in multiple ways to prevent misunderstanding), the context that exists needs to be understood in order to truly understand as best as possible the intention and meaning. The new perspective regarding Paul via NT Wright and others is an example of such. We read Dickens today and others, but we have to look back at the source, the context and out of that we get a more genuine meaning and an acceptance that not all things written then can be equally applicable to today because we have more and different things that hold a tension and need consideration.

The difficulty lies with the view that we have been unquestioning and selectively treating the Bible as a source to justify existing views and agendas rather that the Bible informing how we get those views.

If I want to fully understand Paul (as best as possible) I need to try and be there, understand that context and views as much as possible.